Manjarabad fort
16 November 2008 This was a bit of an odd man out in my tour of Hoysala Temples. This fort was added in the itinerary to break the monotonous visit of temples. Manjarabad fort is in Donigal on NH 48, … Continued
A travel blog about my experiences in travel and treks
16 November 2008 This was a bit of an odd man out in my tour of Hoysala Temples. This fort was added in the itinerary to break the monotonous visit of temples. Manjarabad fort is in Donigal on NH 48, … Continued
19th October 2008 Day 1 experience can be read here. The second day was supposed to be a long walk, and since we had to reach Gersoppa by 4 in the evening, we had to adhere to the timings. So, … Continued
1st October 2008 This fort is in the Mirjan village on NH-17, 10 km from Kumta. When told that we were going for Mirjan fort, my relatives cautioned about the place being a bit infamous for some criminal activities. Few … Continued
9th August 2008 The plan for this trip was very simple. Drive down through Kuduremukha ghat and come back via Charmadi/Shiradi ghat. The great part of this trip was the rains that kept lashing for the entire journey. Regarding Yelaneeru, … Continued