Talakona waterfalls
When our family plans to travel to western ghats were foiled due to unprecedented rains, we turned our attention towards Andhra Pradesh which had remained dry!! We did not wanted to drive for long distance and hence focussed our attention … Continued
Leaning tower of Pisa
During my recent visit to Rome, I planned to visit Pisa and Florence. The main reason for visiting Pisa was to see the “Leaning tower”. After spending first half of the day in Florence, I decided to head to Pisa … Continued
A short visit to Florence, Italy
During my recent trip to Rome, I decided to visit Florence and Pisa for a day. My knowledge about Florence was very limited and the only reason I knew a bit was due to a chapter on “Florence Nightingale” in … Continued
Vatican City travel
Vatican City is the independent country enclaved within Rome. With 110 acres and a population of around 1,000, it is the smallest country in the world in terms of both size and population. I am sure that Indian politicians would … Continued
My travel to Rome, places to visit and tips
I was quite excited as the aeroplane landed at Rome’s Fiumicino airport, inspite of sleep deprivation due to travelling at odd time. Rome is the capital of Italy that is well known for its history and monuments. I was supposed … Continued
Ushuaia – places to visit
We were flying for nearly 3.5 hours from Buenos Aires. The flight started to descend and as the flight came out of the clouds, the snow clad mountains started appearing. The sight of those beautiful mountains made me feel that … Continued
Laguna Esmeralda in Ushuaia
Ushuaia has many places of interest for hikers and it is often difficult to chose the ones from the list. Pristine lakes normally arouse my interest and it was natural for me to chose Laguna Esmeralda. The photos looked beautiful … Continued
Sydney in a day
Sydney is the largest and oldest city in Australia. Its popular landmarks and cosmopolitan culture attracts people from all over the world. During our Australia visit, we had two days in Sydney. The first day was spent in nearby Blue … Continued
Blue mountains near Sydney
While searching for the places to visit near Sydney in Australia, the Blue mountains caught my attention. It was very near to Sydney and the scenery looked great in photos. It seemed to be a good place for a day … Continued
Niagara vs Iguazu falls
Niagara and Iguazu falls (Read about my Iguazu experience here) are known to be the largest waterfalls in the world. I had the opportunity to visit both falls recently, and in this post, I am attempting to compare them. Of course, … Continued