Baobab trees of Savanur

posted in: Asia, India, Karnataka | 15

While travelling to Gadag, we were passing through the small town of Savanur. Interestingly, I had recently learnt that there were three Baobab trees in the town. That was surprising as I thought that these trees were seen only in Africa. Anyway, out of curiosity, we took a detour to visit these trees in Savanur.

Boabab tree

Situated in a school complex, they were huge baobab trees!! Authorities realizing its importance had put a fence around it to protect it from miscreants. The board erected at the place provided some information about the trees.


Looking at the size, they must be about a few hundred or thousands of years old. Not much information is available about its age.


Baobab trees are not just present in Savanur but are also seen in a few other locations in India. Genetically the trees are said to be very close to African counterparts and it is surprising how did they enter India. At Savanur, mythology has easily solved this issue by telling that Lord Krishna bought it from Africa!!

Final note
Do not ask locals about the baobab tree. Locally they are known as “Dodda hunase mara (Big tamarind tree) or kalpavrusksha.

15 Responses


    Hello Araind, Please refer to my latest post. I know that you too trek in smaller groups occasionally and I would like to spread awareness on what happened to us at Ratnagiri Fort. Please share it with other people you know who trek often around Bangalore.

  2. Arvind Desai

    Very nice post Arvind .I have seen them too and they really can be a source of knowledge and curiosity for everyone in general and school kids I’m particular.

  3. Dilip

    I was searching for tamarind species. Happy to come across your article. Its really interesting and would be a good source of information for agricultural enthusiasts.

  4. Jagadeesh h

    Today i saw this tree in honkana village haveri disrtict hanagal taluq

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