Shigekhan, Bhadra

posted in: Asia, Experience, India, Karnataka | 12
5th July 2014
An uphill road that goes from Muthodi in Bhadra wildlife sanctuary leads to Shigekhan which provides panoramic views of the wildlife sanctuary. This 2.5 km stretch was fit for only 4WD vehicles. A forest department guest house is present on top of the hill.



Last week I was in Muthodi with my family for an evening visit. We were talking to a forest official who said that the road to Shigekhan had improved. He encouraged us to go up and have a look. That was great news!! And indeed that road though muddy was decent enough for any cars to move.


But the Shigekhan guesthouse was occupied by drunkards. Shocked to see someone ‘encroaching’ their ‘holy land’, they tried to bully us by claiming themselves as forest officials. They barked that without permission, no one can enter this area. While I was taken aback by their aggressive postures, my wife told me that they do not look like forest officials!! I told them that it was forest department people at Muthodi who sent us here.



Unfortunately, due to the canopy of trees, the views can be seen only from the terrace of the guest house.

The caretaker was worried. He came towards us and told us that he would take us to the terrace. It was then we realized those guests were ‘drunk’. They were not forest officials but some law abusing citizens. Considering its isolation, it was not safe to spend much time when the family was around. So, we quickly took some snaps and drove down.



Though the place was great, we were disappointed that we could not spend sufficient time in that serene place.


It’s a pity that there seems to be no end to my encounters with unruly drunkards!! Whether it is Bhadra, Anashi or Belikal, the story remains the same.

12 Responses

  1. Avneet

    oh! I wish those drunkards were not there and you could explore more,then you could have written more and thus even we could get to know more about the place. Nevertheless, it sounds really interesting and nice clicks.

  2. Aravind GJ


    Thanks for commenting on my post. Yes. True, I could have spent more time if not for those people.

  3. Sana

    That's right. You have been encountering lot of unwelcoming crowds recently. Might be those morons have been occupying themselves in such places more frequently these days.

    But a beautiful place again.

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