9 September 2010
Haranahalli, a small village near Arasikere is known for Keshava and Someshwara Temples built during Hoysala period. It is very sad that these Temples are now in a bad shape due to negligence.
Keshava Temple
As I expected, the Temple was locked!! The priest usually comes to the Temple to conduct pooja and then locks it. Locals directed us to the priest’s house. Since the priest was not available, another person came with the keys.
The person opened the outer gate, I was impressed with the star shaped Temple. The person who accompanied us was very silent. I tried to break the ice by asking a normal question like “When this Temple was built?” and the answer I got was “MLA came last week”. Bit surprised, I asked few more questions only to get completely irrelevant answers. We realised that he was deaf.

There was no power and it was very dark inside the Temple. The person explained few things about the idols inside the Temple. It looked like the authorities were more concerned on making the Temple religiously more popular rather than conserving historical things.
Someshwara Temple
It is on the other side of the main road. The condition of this Temple is worse than Keshava Temple. The cows had a free run inside the compound.
When the door was opened, the sound of the bats flapping their wings was irritating. It was an indication about the state of the Temple.
Small plants grew on the rocks of the Temple.
The only positive side was the compound which prevented encroachment of this Temple. I hope ASI takes complete control of these Temple and improves them.
Sankara Subramanian C
Looks like very ornate temples. It is sad to know that the government is not focussed on preserving them.
Lily Riani
wow! never been to this part of india.
do visit my site, i've covered india in much earlier blog entry. howeverm nothing as impressive as your's.
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Aravind GJ
Sad that lot of these lesser known places are ignored by Government.
Thanks for commenting on my blog. Looked at your blog. Great!! I got one more blog to read.
Thanks. Will look into it.
The temples are so beautiful.. Amazing architecture, so sad they are not looked after at all it seems…
ರಾಜೇಶ್ ನಾಯ್ಕ
new look of the blog is pleasing. Those are nice temples at harnahalli. Though ASI would do well to cut the grass around and keep the place cleaner.
Grazing cattle is usually not a problem. In fact, in many places cattle is used to prevent overgrowth. It is cheaper than to employ people to cut grass or create a manicured lawn. Usually it is done for large areas in partnership with local cattle breeders.
Aravind GJ
Arti, Rajesh
The problem is that these cattle(and other animals) leave their dungs!!