Raneh falls which is at a distance of 22km from Khajuraho is formed by Ken River (also called as Karnavathi).
Ken River here flows through the rocky gorges providing some stunning views. The waterfalls and rocks look inviting but forest department has put up barricades after series of mishaps in that area. Now, each tourist group is provided with a guide who makes sure that people do not venture out of the designated path.
There is another falls higher than Raneh but only top portion is visible.
Another important place to visit is Ken Gharial which is at a distance of 6 km from Raneh falls. We spotted a Nilgai on the way.
The Gharials (Alligators) were absent on that day which was disappointing. We took a boat ride on the river. I was shocked to see that the boat was leaking which kept the guide busy in fetching out the water. The boatman shocked us even more when he said that the boat had toppled on the previous day. But that was due to mischievous people who jumped into the crocodile infested river just to have fun.
The group of black storks provided an opportunity to take some good snaps.
On the way back, we spotted a fox that appeared suddenly from nowhere. I also saw a huge lizard but could not take a photo.
Pandav falls is 35 km from Khajuraho inside Panna National park. It does not have much water but the place looks great!!
It is a must visit place for Khajuraho visitors.

This brings an end to travelogue of one my best journeys.
ರಾಜೇಶ್ ನಾಯ್ಕ
Dear Arvind,
I thouroughly enjoyed reading your Madhya Pradesh trip posts. Each post was worth a visit to MP. Particularly liked the both khajuraho posts and the last one (Raneh and Pandav falls). It was a pleasure to read all these posts. Great photos and just enough narrative made this series one of your best.
Which is the next destination?
Aravind GJ
Thanks Rajesh.
There are lot of plans in mind but need to see how many of them can be executed.
Currently busy in updating blogs!!
Nice report on the places in MP!
enjoyed the photos as well..
the mammal looks like a jackal?
The waterfall looks very beautiful.
Aravind GJ
Thanks. Yes.. you are right. It is a Jackal!!
Excellent sighting of Black Storks. And nice to learn that there are places of natural beauty around Khajuraho.
Destination Unknown
Gorgeous photographs… Panna is an awe-inspiring landscape however quite off the tourist trail… I loved reading it through-out…