1st May – 3rd May 2009

Our vehicles stopped few km before Berijam Lake at a place called Caps valley. This was the starting point of our trek. It was 4:30PM when we started our trek. The initial path was next a deep valley and then the path entered into a shola forest. Within five minutes of starting the trek, we came across a carcass of a Bison. Our guide mentioned that the trekking route was full of wild animals and if remained silent there was a possibility of spotting some wild life. But that never happened; with a group of 55 people sound was a constant companion.
At some point we could see coniferous forest was encroaching into Shola forests. The boundary between them was fenced to avoid further encroachment!!
After an hour of trek, we took a long break where we had snacks. It was dark when we started and another half an hour of trekking; we were at the tar road connecting to Berijam Lake!! Apparently serious trekking had not started!!
Night was spent at the forest quarters in Berijam Lake.
After having breakfast and packing the lunch, we started the trek at 10AM. It was late by any trekking standards but our guide Mani was not much concerned. The tar road from Berijam changes to a mud road. It was once a tar road and the remains of the tar can be seen all along the route. A milestone at the start of the trek indicated the distance to top station as 22 miles.
Another half an hour of trekking, we were at the village Kavunji. It was surprising to see modern farming techniques being deployed. Even more surprising was in spite of modern cultivation techniques people seemed to be extremely poor!! Something was fishy!!!! A possibility the Krishna and I thought was the land might belong to “cash rich” people and the villagers were just labourers working in the farms.
From Kavunji few of us took a bus to Natrampalli, 5 km from Kavunji. Here was our stay arranged at forest quarters. People spent time playing Kabaddi. In the evening, we also visited a waterfall that had gone dry.
The 3rd day trek started relatively early at 8:30AM. It was told that it would be a long day as we had to cover a long distance.
An hour of walk from Natrampalli on a Jeep track brought us to a waterfall. (I have forgotten the name of the falls. It was some Tamil name.) The falls ensured a pit stop of an hour.
This made the journey slow as we had to either get under the fallen tree or climb over them. In addition to that, it was a continuous climb.
In some places, it was almost impossible to wade through the forest and had to take detour. Finally, the trek was interesting!!
The stretch was also devoid of any water source and we had to regulate the water usage. Lunch was at a place where the road opened up a bit.
After nearly four hours of uphill trek, we reached the Kerala border. It was clearly marked by series of stones. The road condition changed dramatically as we entered Kerala. The road was in a better shape since it was used by forest department.
It was then continuously downhill trek to Koviloor village for nearly 90 minutes. The watch showed 6:30PM when we reached Koviloor. Jeeps were arranged to take us to Munnar which was 35 km away. The Jeeps were completely packed with people. It was a nauseating journey that caused more tiredness than the entire trek.
The lakes look beautiful; it must be worthwhile spending the night at Berijam. Had never heard of Lonalar Lake before. Incidentally I was somewhere near Kavunji only yesterday…
Karthik Hariharan
That is konalar lake
Thank you. Corrected.
rakesh holla
Really you had great experience…
Nice rticle..
Great photos..
Aravind GJ
Arun, Rakesh,
Thanks for your comments.
R a n j i t
Great experience Aravind.Apparently , narcotics are grown on a lot of these hills.. Not sure how true this is. You seem to have had fun. Did you also carry the sleeping bag and all that ?
Aravind GJ
Lot of sad things happen in our forests 🙁
I carried the sleeping bag. Tents and food was provided by the organizers.
Wow! Thats some trek! Though I would prefer lesser crowd, it might be necessary to have a huge one for all the hard trip it is, and the wilderness it might open to.
Had read about such forests only in "Hasiru Honnu" book by BGL Swamy where he explains the flora of that Kodai and Munnar forests. Thats something amazing. Kudos to you for doing this. Next time if u come across this expedition, please let me know too.
Aravind GJ
Hi Aravind…
can you help us with the contact details of any tourist guide who organised this TREK?
kindly help us !!!
Arnab Maity
Wonderful trip log!Would come back to read all your stories.
Hello Aravind,
May i know which is the best season to trek ?? How can i know when ctc announces the trek ? can u let me know when ctc announces for the next trek .
Ratan Chingy
Hello Aavind,
My name is Ratan…just checked d trekking rout from kodaikanal to munnar…so me n my frnds r planning 2 start trek from munnar to kodaikanal..so it would be good if u could send me the details and d route details..thank u..my mail id is ratan_thapa_04@yahoo.com waiting 4 ur mail
nice clicks and the blog is informative too…
neha roy
My name is neha…just checked d trekking rout from kodaikanal to munnar…so me n my frnds r planning 2 start trek from munnar to kodaikanal ..so it would be good if u could send me the organizer details and route details..thank u..my mail id is neha.itsmee@gmail.com waiting 4 ur mail
Ring Rong
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Prakash Parag
Kodaikanal is one the most beautiful hill-stations of India situated in the state of Tamil Nadu. I would suggest visiting Kodaikanal once in lifetime to explore the beautiful culture and to explore the hill-stations along with the natural beauty. You will get some of the Best Budget Resorts in Kodaikanal.
Me and my friends are planning to take the same trekking route. So can you please mail me the details of how you took the permission from forest dept and about how you arranged the guide.
Siddharth Premchandani
Hello Arvind ! My name is Siddharth. I am planning to trek via same route. Ill be grateful if you can email me a few details, as in contact information for guide and the forest officials to ask for permission. sid.ruckfules69@gmail.com
Thank you !
Siddharth Premchandani
Hello Arvind !
My name is Siddharth. Me and my friends are planning to trek via same route. I'll be grateful if you email me a few details, as in contact information for guides and forest officials for permission. email sid.ruckfules69@gmail.com
Thank you !
Kerala portion of the Munnar_ Kodaikanal road through Clavara and that of great escape road are Sanctuary and National Park respectively. All types of tourism are illegal and not permitted.
Trespassers will be prosecuted under the Sections of Wildlife (Protection) Act ,1972
Trekking cycling biking off road jeep Safari are not permitted in this route in kerala side.